
Beacuse we believe that sharing knowledge is the best way to innovate

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Why all companies become software companies

Why all companies become software companies

Knowledge HUBBeacuse we belive that sharing the knowledge is the best way to innovateIn recent decades, we’ve witnessed an enormous shift in how businesses operate, thanks to advancements in technology. Today, regardless of the sector or size, every company is...

Let’s talk about why we make stuff

Let’s talk about why we make stuff

Knowledge HUBBeacuse we belive that sharing the knowledge is the best way to innovateSo, here’s the thing: I love making things. Whether it’s a funky audio plugin, a beat that makes you bob your head, or an idea that gets people talking, the process of creating—of...

Selecting new products for development

Selecting new products for development

Knowledge HUBBeacuse we belive that sharing the knowledge is the best way to innovateWe have been teaching Product Portfolio Management to many senior product leaders and the question that is often raised in those classes is "How to practically organize a process of...

How to maximize value of your product portfolio

How to maximize value of your product portfolio

Knowledge HUBBeacuse we belive that sharing the knowledge is the best way to innovateIn this article I discuss the typical challenges of a person in charge of a product or service portfolio and help point out ways to deal with these challenges. A product portfolio is...

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