Build your own music tech product

Build your own music tech product

Knowledge HUB Beacuse we belive that sharing the knowledge is the best way to innovate Build your own music tech product Being a professional musician, sound designer or mixing engineer is very hard. It takes sometimes decades to get to the professional level. This...
Product Portfolio Management

Product Portfolio Management

Back to all events Product Portfolio Management  You have a complex product that consists of co-dependent systems that are hard to coordinate? Your team is working on too many projects at the same time? You had a hard time launching a new product in a large...
Finance Fundamentals for PMs

Finance Fundamentals for PMs

Back to all events Finance fundamentals for Product Managers You don’t understand the jargon used by the top management? Would you like to advance your career and take more responsibility? Would you like to convince management that you can be entrusted with...
Podstawy finansów dla Produktowców

Podstawy finansów dla Produktowców

Wróć do listy wydarzeń Podstawy finansów dla produktowców Nie rozumiesz żargonu, którym posługuje się kadra zarządzająca? Chciałbyś awansować i wziąć większą odpowiedzialność za produkt czy nawet grupę produktów? Chcesz przekonać zarząd, że można powierzyć Ci finanse?...
Product Portfolio Management

Product Portfolio Management

Back to all events Product Portfolio Management  You have a complex product that consists of co-dependent systems that are hard to coordinate? Your team is working on too many projects at the same time? You had a hard time launching a new product in a large...